Together we are stronger - live united like bundle of sticks - The moral Stories in English

An elderly man who was close to passing away gathered his sons close to him to give them some final words of wisdom. When they arrived, he told his eldest son to break the bundle of sticks that had been brought in.

Even after exerting great effort, the son was unable to split the package. None of the other sons' attempts were successful.

Untie the bundle, and each of you take a stick, the father said. Once they had done so, he instructed them to break the sticks, and each stick was quickly broken.

Aesops For Kids

A certain Father had a family of sons who were often at odds with one another. He searched his head for any particularly powerful illustration that would help them understand that disagreement would bring them bad luck because he could not make any sense through words alone.

He instructed one of the Sons to bring him a bundle of sticks one day when the fighting had been much more fierce than normal and they were all acting miserable. Then, turning to each of his Sons in turn, he handed the bundle and instructed them to try to break it. However, despite everyone's best efforts, none of them were successful.

When the bundle was untied, the Father gave each of his sons a stick to break individually. They did this really quickly.

Do you not realize, My Sons, how definite it is that if you cooperate and support one another, it will be impossible for your adversaries to harm you? However, if you split up, you won't be any more powerful than a single stick in that bundle.


Strength is in unity.

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