Submit Guest post

Rule For Guest Post

  1. There should be at least 20 posts on your website.
  2. Your website should be at least 2 months old.
  3. Your guest post should be at least 500 words.
  4. If you are reviewing an application then such post will not be accepted.
  5. If grammar related mistakes are found in your post, your post will be rejected.
  6. Your post has been copied, that is, you have neither put that post on your website nor copied it from anywhere. We will publish your post even after checking.
  7. Write posts in English only.

If you follow this rule then your post will be published in our website so that you will get Quality Backlink.

We accept content in the following categories:

  • Web Development
  • Web Design
  • Web Hosting
  • Advanced Trends, Guides, Tips, and Techniques for Digital Marketing
  • Search engine marketing
  • Trends and guidelines for SEO, competitive analysis and keyword research, SEO tools, and techniques
  • Advertising - promotions & ad campaigns,
  • Pay-per-click, or AdWords
  • Blogging
  • Branding online
  • Use of social media (SMM, SMO)
  • Email Promotion
  • Automation of Marketing
  • Affiliate Promotion
  • Google Tools: Webmaster Search Console, Google Analytics, and Google Algorithm Updates
  • Planning, creating, and writing advice for content marketing
  • Case Studies for Digital Marketing
  • Startup Marketing: Growth Hacking, Influencer Marketing, and Startup Entrepreneurship
  • Video Advertising (YouTube Marketing)
  • E-commerce digital marketing and SEO
  • Professional advice, a rundown of helpful hints or resources, infographics, books, in-depth case studies, films, best practices, and hacks, among others.

How should you pitch?

  • 1500+ words must be included, with 2-3 keywords strategically placed.
  • Your email's subject line reads: Contribution to blog on digital marketing - [Subject of your essay]
  • Tell us a little bit about yourself in the email and include links to your past articles.
  • Send your guest pitch's Google doc link along with the email. Do not include the Word document as an attachment.
  • The article must have a featured image.
  • Please provide a credit link if you use any photos, facts, or statistics that came from another source.
  • A Gravatar account is required.
  • Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn account linkages

You are invited to contribute to our blog!

1. Please refrain from sending us news releases, sales pitches, or product advertisements.

2. In your guest article, avoid making any product or service recommendations.

3. Limit the number of external links you use in the content. Authentic links only.

4. Before our blog, the content shouldn't be released somewhere else.

5. There is none. You shouldn't copy content from anywhere. You might be prohibited from submitting to our site in the future. Use a copyright checker tool to determine whether your article contains any plagiarism.

6. Grammatical errors won't be tolerated. Please correct the errors using Grammarly.

7. No press releases, sales pitches, duplicate content, copyright images owned by someone else, and web pages are to be shared when sharing your article. It should be well researched, and you should get your ideas from excellent contributors.

Strings to help you find us on Google easily:

  • web design write for us
  • web development write for us
  • write for us + web design
  • web design blog write for us
  • "web design + write for us"
  • "mobile* web* development* " ux inurl:"write for us" ecommerce*
  • "web development ""write for us"""
  • "web design ""write for us"""
  • "mobile* development* " ux* web* inurl:"write for us"
  • "seo and web design" + "write for us"
  • write for us web development
  • "web development" write for us
  • web design + "write for us"
  • "web* development* " ux* inurl:"write for us"
  • web design web development "write for us"
  • write for us web design
  • write for us web hosting
  • web desing write for us
  • "web design" "write for us"
  • "write for us" and "the next web"
  • "mobile* web* ecommerce* development* " inurl:"write for us"
  • web developer + intitle:"write for us"
  • web content + write for us
  • web hosting write for us
  • "web design + "write for us""
  • write for us - web development
  • web conferencing "write for us""web design" + "write for us"

We’re Looking Forward to Hearing From You  

We hope this quick guide was useful for you. If you have any other questions about writing for us or are ready to submit your article, reach out to us at 


a Guest Post Directly

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