In a small town, an illiterate young man found employment in a company that manufactured boards. The company, known for hiring uneducated workers at low wages, took a chance on him, believing his lack of education wouldn't hinder his ability to recognize the boards by their prints and deliver them to the right places.
The young man diligently applied himself, meticulously organizing and placing each board in its designated spot for delivery and installation, as per the daily schedule.
One day, the company prepared three boards. The first was meant for a restaurant, with the message, "How was our service? Please give us another chance to serve you." The second board was for a doctor, bearing the words, "Don't panic if you get stomach ache or constipation due to food."
The third board was intended for a crematorium, stating, "Relatives of the deceased, please do not crowd." However, fate had its own plans.
Amidst the hustle, the sequence of boards got mixed up. Regrettably, the board meant for the crematorium ended up in front of the restaurant, while the one intended for the doctor found its place at the restaurant with message "Don't panic if you get stomach ache or constipation due to food"..
Confusion ensued as the restaurant's customers were bewildered by the unexpected message about avoiding constipation and stomach ache. Meanwhile, mourners at the crematorium were startled by the board having printed "Lets give another chance to serve you all".
Ultimately, the misplacement led to a comical situation, highlighting the importance of clear communication and attention to detail in all endeavors, regardless of one's educational background.