Iron Rusting Quiz

  1. 1. What is rust? a. A type of metal polish. b. A chemical reaction causing iron to corrode. c. A protective coating for iron.

  2. 2. Which of the following is necessary for iron to rust? a. Oxygen b. Carbon dioxide c. Hydrogen

  3. 3. What is the scientific name for the process of iron rusting? a. Oxidation b. Ferrous reaction c. Rustification

  4. 4. What role does water play in the rusting process? a. It prevents rust from forming. b. It speeds up the rusting process. c. It has no effect on rusting.

  5. 5. What is the chemical formula for rust? a. FeO b. Fe2O3 c. FeSO4

  6. 6. Which metal is commonly used to coat iron and prevent rusting? a. Copper b. Zinc c. Aluminum

  7. 7. True or False:

  8. Rusting is a reversible process.

  9. 8. What is the color of rust? a. Blue b. Reddish-brown c. Green

  10. 9. How does rust affect the strength of iron? a. It strengthens the iron. b. It has no impact on strength. c. It weakens the iron.

  11. 10. What can be used to slow down or prevent rusting of iron? a. Paint b. Oil c. Both a and b


  1. 1. b
  2. 2. a
  3. 3. a
  4. 4. b
  5. 5. b
  6. 6. b
  7. 7. False
  8. 8. b
  9. 9. c
  10. 10.c

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