Preserving Sanatan Dharma: A Call Against Distorted Dowry Practices

 In the pursuit of a dowry-free India, the Asant Rampal gang has been making headlines, ostensibly working towards eradicating the age-old practice of dowry. However, beneath the noble cause lies a concerning reality – the rapid rise of marriages that commence in 15 minutes but unravel in a mere 15 seconds. Witnessing these ephemeral unions firsthand, it becomes evident that the essence of Sanatan Dharma is at risk of being tarnished.

Our ancient sages, in their wisdom, spent 5-6 hours performing marriage ceremonies, emphasizing the sacredness and solemnity of the union. The rush for quick marriages, fueled by the pursuit of dowry-free alliances, may inadvertently lead to the devaluation of this sacred institution. It prompts reflection on whether our revered sages were indeed wise in their approach, investing time and rituals to ensure the sanctity of marital bonds.

The root cause of the issue lies in the distorted interpretation of the dowry-free movement. While combating the evil of dowry is essential, the means employed should align with the principles of Sanatan Dharma. The distorted dowry system, prevalent in modern times, often involves greedy fathers of grooms who exploit the cause for personal gain.

Distinguishing between the accepted and distorted forms of the dowry system is crucial for addressing this social dilemma. In the accepted dowry system, reminiscent of Dasaratha and Janak, fathers of grooms participate with genuine intentions, fostering harmonious unions. On the contrary, the perverted dowry system, driven by modern greed, tarnishes the sanctity of marriage.

The solution lies not in hastily conducted marriages but in fostering awareness and condemnation of dowry practices akin to societal scorn for begging. Raising consciousness among the masses will lead to a cultural shift, where demanding dowry becomes a reprehensible act, contributing to overall societal improvement.

In the quest for a dowry-free India, let us not compromise the values and traditions upheld by Sanatan Dharma. The path to reform lies in a balanced approach that preserves the sanctity of marriage while combatting the evils of dowry through education, awareness, and societal condemnation. Only then can we truly progress towards a society where marriages thrive on mutual respect and understanding, in accordance with the timeless principles of Sanatan Dharma.


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