The Pigeon king Chitragriw and Fowler - Panchtantra Story

There was an old pigeon in a forest, Kapot Raj Chitragriva, that pigeon was very experienced. He used to protect his pigeons and used to give them proper advice from time to time. Used to give information to the pigeons about their friend and enemy. All the pigeons took advantage of the wisdom of their king and lived happily.
One day a flock of pigeons reached the middle of the forest while flying. His king Kapotraj Chitragriva was also with him. Pigeons saw grains of rice in the forest. Seeing the grains of rice, all the pigeons began to feel like eating rice with their greedy eyes. The old pigeon came to know about his mind, he stopped the pigeons from picking the grain. He said how is it possible to have grains of rice in this deserted bun. We have a feeling of some untoward incident from this.
Tired of hunger and greedy, the pigeons disregarded Chitragriva's words and all the pigeons munched on the grain. The hunter was sitting in ambush waiting for this time by laying a trap. Seeing the pigeons sitting on the net, he was very happy that many pigeons
got together with the right breed. Kapotraj Chitragriva took pity on his innocent children, Chitragriva said, "Look, you people have not listened to me, so you are trapped in this trap." Now all my words with one opinion, Manoj, you can escape from the hunter. The hunter, hiding in the tree's vote, is running towards you. You all put together the thrust and fly away with the net. All the pigeons pressed together and the net started rising. The pigeons flew away with the net, the hunter followed them some distance but left disappointed.
Now Chitragriva told the pigeons that you guys should follow me. I am walking to my friend Hiranyak. My friend Hiranyak is a rat, he has very sharp teeth. He will cut the web of you people. All the pigeons reached the mouse king Hiranyak. All the pigeons carrying their nets got down.

The mouse king Hiranyak lived happily after becoming more than 100 bills. Kapotraj Chitragriva went to the bill and called his friend Hiranyak. When the mouse king heard the familiar voice of his friend, he came out of the cave. Kapot Raj Chitragriva narrated the story of the ignorance of pigeons. After narrating the whole story, Hiranyak cut the net.

All the pigeons were freed from the net by the cleverness of Kapotraj Chitragriva. Therefore, we should respect our elders, in this it is our good.

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